Sunday, July 15, 2007

Portland or Bust!

Around the middle of June we took a week to travel to Portland. Since we're planning to move there next summer, we decided a trip to case the joint was just what the doctor ordered. While we were there, we stayed with Grandma Carol in her lovely home in Happy Valley. Whilst we were there, we spent a day with a realtor, looking at typical houses within our price range, and gaining a feel for what items we consider to be absolute necessities when we finally buy a house (next summer). We also took a day to go to Multnomah Falls (see picture of Rebekah at the falls). We really enjoyed Portland, and are looking forward to moving into a (somewhat) larger residence than our current apartment.


Rashole said...

I hear that Portland is dark, dank, drizzly, and depressing all the time. Is that true?

Pinolis said...

Well, Mr. Rash (Ole), there is some difference of opinion on this matter. Although Portland does not possess the greatnesses of a location such as Denver, many individuals still view Portland as a veritable land of milk and honey.

Warren said...

I thought you were moving to Portland so you wouldn't have to pay pack Rashole that salsa?