Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What have we been up to lately?

Enjoying Bianca's cuteness

Having fun during Easter Exploring Marine World with Grandma Pinoli
Visiting the Lindsey Wildlife Museum with friends

Hanging out at our old stomping grounds in Provo
for Aunt Elizabeth's BYU Graduation

How's the House?

~Wife who live five years in small
apartment will want BIG house one day.~

- Ancient Chinese Proverb
After many years of living in cramped quarters, with nary a spot of earth to call her own, Miriam's wildest dreams have finally come true. Last Friday Miriam's dream house came back on the market, so on Saturday we pounced! Flying to Portland early Saturday morning, we thoroughly investigated all eligible homes and ultimately decided that Miriam's dream house was indeed the house for us.

We are scheduled to close on June 10th and move in on June 18th.

Here is a little picture from the front:

Here is a picture of the back yard:


Formal Dining Room:
